Why I find Akhilesh Yadav, a Careless Ruler!



It is the rape victim’s mother who is beaten up brutally when she refuses to withdraw the complaint, and not the accused or his family. The bizarre incident occurs in the high profile Etawah, the hometown of Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav.

Soon thereafter, two dalit girls are found hanging from a tree after they are raped and murdered, in one of those bizarre incidents which continue to characterize 21st India. This happens in Badaun, the Lok Sabha constituency of Akhilesh Yadav’s cousin Dharmendra Yadav, just elected to Lok Sabha.

The Badaun outcry has compelled the UP Chief Minister to seek a CBI probe in the incident and send his chief secretary Javed Usmani packing in an attempt at damage control. But the victims’ families have no faith that justice would be done to them in the Akhilesh “raj”. This is Uttar Pradesh in 2014.

Uttar Pradesh has become from a state of glory to the state of suffering all because of “YADAVIZATION”, yes that’s what we like to call it. It’s the Akhilesh raj that is helping to make UP the record breaking highest load sheded place in the world. BABA AKHILESH has blamed the Centre of step motherly treatment and the new Union Power Minister Piyush Goel has charged Akhilesh Yadav of punishing with power cuts those areas of UP which voted for the BJP.   (THE BLAME GAME, THIS CANT STOP BY THESE FOOLS).

AKHILESH BABA dreams of getting inside Delhi and ruling and his dad says JARA MADAD KARNA DELHI TAK PAHUCHANA at pre-election rallies watching them telling this funny how can they even dream of it being the worst performers in terms of law and order in the recent meeting they discussed about there election strategies. C’MON AKHILESH BABA STOP DREAMING!


THE BLAME GAME, LOAD SHEDDING, RAPE, SHOOT, ROBBERY now that’s what UP strikes at television and nothing else.

I just wrote this article so that it could be seen the right leader to be choosen so that these harsh condition shouldn’t to be faced in future.

This is for all the people who care and want to make change let’s do what is right and let this careless ruler pay for it.

By Harshvardhan singh .


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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