Why I Support Narendra Modi and You Should Too!


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With the recent budget the country does seem to be all geared up for happy days ahead and the man behind this new change of attitude in the country is none other than our Prime Minister MR. NARENDRA MODI. The fact that this once upon a time tea staller paved his way to this position with hard work and dedication.

He is a perfect example of the fact than one can write their own destiny if they decide to live the dream instead . He is a man who commands respect .A man who has been through the highs and lows in life with the lows exceeding the high’s.

He is a man who knows what the country is yearning for he has been there and suffered the poverty –struck circumstances and apart from that during his interviews or even better his political campaigns .He definitely seemed to be a man of wit. It’s true that he was bragging about the development of Gujarat but did he not say that he would translate a similar change or even better in the country and with the recent budget does he not seem to do so??

Our country is already a mine of resources. However what we really lacked was a leader who would bring about change in the right manner and think about it!! this change was initiated by one person. Therefore the  reason I support Narendra Modi is for the fact  I support change, I support a better tomorrow for the country.

However as a frustrated youth caught up in the maze of corruption I to have my doubts. But, I know for a fact that he will prove me wrong!

– Khyati Kotiyan

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