Today’s date 11/12/13 (the 11th day of the 12th month of the 13th year of the millennium) is very special as this is the last date for 90 years that has three numbers in a row (as there is no possibility of 12/13/14). Many people like to get married or engaged on these numerically special dates while others organize some contests or parties to celebrate this unusual day.
5 Facts of 11/12/13 date:
1) 316th day of the year in Gregorian Calendar
2) More than 3,000 couples are estimated to get married on this day
3) At 2:11:21 a.m., it will be 12/11 2:11:21 which is three repeats of three numbers: 121-121-121.
4) At 8:09:10 a.m., the time and date will read as 8:09:10 11/12/13, a full complement of consecutive numbers.
5) At 2:15:16 p.m., when stated in military time, it will be 11/12/13 14:15:16; a series of six increasing numbers.
How would you like to celebrate this most romantic date of the year? Any special plans? 😉
Past Special Dates:
- 12-12-12 (Dec 12, 2012)
- 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011)
- 1-11-11 (Nov 1, 2011)
- 11-11-11 (Nov 11, 2011)