Why is BMS more popular than other courses?



So what exactly makes BMS the bigger, better course out there when pitted against other degree courses?

Read on to know more….

Why is BMS/BBA hotter than other conventional courses?

The BMS/BBA course provides comprehensive and practical management training to students by way of interaction, projects, presentations, industrial visits, practical training, lectures by professionals, job orientation and placements. It is a perfectly structured course for budding managers and CEOs of tomorrow.

It is a known fact that managers are synonymous with perfection. Expectations are high and the tact of getting work completed, and through others in the appropriate manner is what defines the capabilities of a manger.

Such are the people who are in demand in today’s globally competitive market and such are the people that a BMS/BBA degree are suited for.

  A step ahead of Traditional Courses:Unlike other courses like a B.COM degree, BMS/ BBA is not just a degree course that involves regular lectures that are taught the traditional way through prescribed text books and timed lectures. The course is a step ahead and teaches the student through a practical learning process by way of presentations, case studies, project writing, summer internships and guest lecturers from the industry etc that prepares a student on all spheres of ‘Management’Industrial visits are also organized every year to help the student go beyond the walls of a classroom and to study the various aspects of how an industry works and the scope of activities involved in its contribution towards the industry.
  Course initiated by Reputed Insititutes:Almost all the top city colleges have their own BMS department wherein the students are given extensive insights and learning focus on the course. A special faculty department that meets the learning and teaching demands of the course looks after the entire operation of the course within the college/institute.Graduating from any of these institutes further cements the students future to pursue a post graduation degree like an MBA.

Brighter job opportunities are more likely after having passed out from such institutes.

  Well designed framework of study:BMS/ BBA course covers the same subject areas as that of an MBA programe and caters to more or less of the same syllabus. Common subjects in the fields of Finance, Marketing, H R, Operations are also tackled during the six semester layout of the BMS course. Each semester is well designed to cover various subjects from different fields of specialization.Also in the final year the students can opt for a specialization subject that makes them unique to the specialization of their choice. This in turn helps them in getting placements directly to the field of their interest.
  Domination over other undergraduate courses:In a time span of being just 10 years old, the BMS/ BBA course has turned out to be one of the most sought after course to pursue a graduation degree. Gone are the days when people would look at a B.COM degree as their first option. It is only but natural then that admission into these courses are restricted to the amount of limited seats available and also to those students that have secured high scores after grade 12.These students are then trained for the next 3 years under guidance from the BMS/BBA faculty and given extra credits through the deliverance of guest lectures and presentations that are not part of a B.COM course structure.

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Kartik Raichura
Kartik Raichura is the founder and CEO of ManagementParadise.com - the world's leading management education focused community platform. A business post graduate from Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, Kartik Raichura has been an author, a public speaker, and a social worker. He's also the recipient of Star Young Entrepreneur Award and has addressed the audience at Tedx Indore.


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