No one is perfect and no one is free from unhappiness. Everyone experiences these emotions and when we are alone we tend to repeat our failings and miseries even more.
But I have recently learned one fact that when we feel lonely and depressed just be there for someone who needs you, someone whose world is better only because of you. Don’t run behind the world for recognition instead find that in a friend’s appreciation
When others need you, just be available for them as you will also need someone sometime,
Someone who can show you that you were there for them. Someone who can remind you of the l world which is not that beautiful without your sweet smile. So whenever you find someone crying instead of giving them consolations or giving them long lectures just be there for them silently waiting for those tears to dry so that they can feel the warmth of your unbiased company.
Just let that person know that you still think that he is very special irrespective of whatever maybe the situations.
The world needs unselfish people who can be there for others, for friends also for strangers because then even in your bad times you find help in some or the other form.
People say that trust is the only thing that holds any relationship firmly but according to me more important than trust any relation needs support, it needs your presence, your availability
Let that be any kind of relation may be with your parents, sister, friends, beloved.
It is always not necessary that your relation will only survive when you are available …but it is not possible to strengthen any relation without your attention and care.
So be there for others & also for yourself
–Rupali Bapat