Why Is ‘Kunal Ghosh’ Trending on Twitter? 10 Tweets, Status on ‘Kunal Ghosh’


 Kunal Ghosh

1) What would you call Kunal Ghosh on 51 Sleeping Pills ? Not enough pills.

2) TMC MP Kunal Ghosh survives suicide bid,but frm where did he got the pills?

3) Kolkata Police misbehaves with media persons who wanted to talk to suspended Trinamool MP Kunal Ghosh.

4) Dear How dumb are you? Kunal Ghosh is a prisoner? Why should he be allowed to talk to media?.. You too

5) There is a conspiracy by the TMC leadership to hide and destroy evidence,how did the pills reach Kunal Ghosh?-Sidharthnath Singh,BJP

6) Sharadha scam accused MP Kunal Ghosh has decided he will not go down alone. Will drag all the beneficiaries! Beware!! 

7) Kunal Ghosh said he would commit suicide if the those truly guilty in the Sharada scam were not questioned. He has tried to keep his word.

8) Kunal Ghosh has access to 2-3 pills as his regular prescription. He said he took pills at 2:30am: Prison Minister HA safi

9) Suspended Trinamool Cong MP and Saradha scam accused Kunal Ghosh allegedly tries to commit suicide, admitted to hospital.

 10) Suspended TMC MP Kunal Ghosh threatens to commit suicide, one dude heading for 72 Virgins dream in Jihadi Didi’s land.

(Disclaimer : The above messages are taken from Twitter and we do not endorse / support the above opinions)


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