Why It Is Not About The Quantity Of Friends But The Quality Of Friends That Actually Matters?


quantity vs quality

When we are younger we have so many people around us and we always try to make lots and lots of friends. We always prefer to belong to the group which is popular group whom people admire. Friendship isn’t a popularity contest, but sites like Facebook and Twitter can make it seem like one. Its always better to have fewer friends in your friend list to avoid misunderstanding and pointless arguments because your real friend usually knows what you are trying to say or convey. Fewer friends also means you’re less likely to get caught up in having your identity stolen, targeted by online predators, having those embarrassing pictures spread around the globe, or telling the wrong thing to the wrong person. So be careful when you make friends in online websites because you don’t know them personally. q4

As we grow older the number of people in our social and personal circles decline. We begin to value such traits as loyalty, honesty, stability and respect. All of a sudden it is not the quantity but the quality that matters in our friendships. We search for people who accept us the way we are. True friends like you the way you are and do tell you when you do something wrong.


So when you make friends look at quality and not quantity because if you have 3 or 4 friends whom you trust you are lucky.”It’s better to have one friend of great value than many friends of little value”. When you deal with quantity type friendships the only time you may see them is at a social function or outing. There is no deep relationship because there is a lack of communication and trust. Most people would rather have four good friends. People they can share their lives with, the good, the bad and the ugly and know they will not be judged by supported.

A person is truly lucky to have a true friend because now a days its hard to find a true friend and if you get one its good to be with them rather think of having many friends. Having a lot of friends at times is hard to analyse who your true friends are and whom you consider he/she is your best friend it might be wrong at times. So when you think of making friends think about the quality and not the quantity.


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Christina Kurian
Hi, i am a girl who lyk to mke frdz n do crazy stuff. I lyk to write poems, dance & play badminton. U cn knw me n my thinking throughout my article.....


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