Why MBA?


Once there was an era when everyone  dreams of doing Doctorate and engineering but as of now in this 21st century  everyone right from the under graduate students to those with some years of work experience plans to get An  MBA degree. Many a time people decide to do MBA without having proper information or knowledge about how MBA can help him in future or how to go about in getting the same. Before stepping in to do MBA just try to answer a fundamental question?

WHY MBA.????????????

It might look as a short and simple question in professional world but also one of the most important questions to answer. One could have sacrificed his professional and personal fronts just in order to get an MBA degree but it would be of no use to him if he were doing MBA just with the aim of earning high income, as there are many such reasons behind doing MBA. Generally, people opt for MBA if he/she is at a manager post in some reputed firm that includes lots of client interaction, business development, international travel etc., one may still consider doing MBA when one wants to boost up his knowledge or perspective.

Reasons behind doing MBA:-


Career Shift.


Brand Equity.

Career Progression.

Be your Own Boss with an MBA.

Polish your communication skills.

New skill and knowledge acquisition.

Gain an in-depth understanding of the business world.


Some of these reasons are about why one does MBA? However, it is all about your passion, your career and your long-term goals. Before you even think of applying anywhere, analyze why exactly you wish to pursue an MBA. A systematic approach to your dreams will make your MBA journey meaningful and enjoyable

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Muthu Konar

a proud BMSite from V.k.krishna menon college, bhandup (E).


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