Why My Childhood Dream Is To Be An IAS Officer?


childhood dream


 “You have to dream before your dreams come true.” Isn’t this true? In my opinion, it is. Everybody dreams about something in their life. It may then be a poor’s dream to build his own house, a father’s dream to get his daughter married, a blind person’s dream (wish) to see this beautiful world, a teenager’s dream to fly towards space, etc. These dreams are not bad, but my dream is not one of them. My childhood dream is to be an IAS officer.
     In today’s world, people may love materialism and may crave for those things, but I am amongst those who love their country the most and crave for serving it. Like me, do you all think that India is the best place on our earth? I know you all might be thinking about various problems of our country which has put hindrances in its development. It was obvious, but I have an explanation for this.
         India was best until the time when a “British virus” entered our system. It brought all the negative files with it to destroy our system. Though it tried to corrupt file but it could not succeed. That is why MY INDIA is the best. Yes, negativity entered our administration and brought it down, but it could not destroy us socially. That is our strength, our culture and our values makes us strong. This is the reason why I love my country and my people so much. For this love, I have always wanted to do something for my country and chose my dream, to be an IAS officer.

IAS Officer

       I have always wanted to bring improvements in our country’s system. Not being from a Political background, what would be better than becoming an IAS officer and fulfilling this dream? I want to bring equality in our country, though our constitution says that it provides equality, but I think that still inequality exists. I want to eradicate Corruption, the biggest worm present in our system. If this is eradicated, lot of things would be improved very easily. I want to contribute in my nation’s development and be its pride.
          Earning money after becoming an engineer or doctor or anything else is not my choice, my choice is to earn the satisfaction after serving my country.
          My aim for writing this article was not to do show-off about my dreams. I just wanted people to have a look at their country. I am no one to force you all to choose civil services as your career, but I only want you all to at least do something for your country. Youth is very powerful. We should use this power as much as possible (in correct things). Raising our voice and working for people- these things can bring a big change in our society and will benefit everybody.
            This was about my dreams, for you all I would just quote LL Cool J’s words “Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving towards your goals.”



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Tanvi Taparia