Why Should You Be A Mentally Strong Person In This World?


When I was a kid, my mom used to always tell me : Be a strong person ! 

I never understood what she meant, I always thought that ‘strong‘ means only physically strong not mentally.

I used to cry even at the smallest thing which used to happen to me. When people tried to hurt me, it used to make me sad. 

I used to cry a lot on trivial things in life, when my mom observed this behavior of mine, she decided that I must be a strong person or else this world will crush me down easily.

She used to make me understand things like how to control your emotions and everything and it worked.

I became a strong person and I felt the difference it made in my life. 


There were people who used to hurt me even after I became strong, but then I used to dust them off and move on.

There were many friends too who have disappointed me in this life. It used to hurt me, but then I learnt that sometimes you meet people like this and all you have to do is to forgive and move ahead.

Being strong gives you different confidence and strength. It helps you to take things in a positive light.

It helps you to ignore things and people who are useless in your life.

It is like building a wall around your true self, not letting others know your weakness or your true self.

The reason for doing this is that people in this world take advantage of your weakness more than your strong points.

Being strong does not mean that you must not cry, it means you know when to cry.

Even after being strong there might be a time where you will be all broken but still during such time you will be able to control you emotions.

There were times in my life as well where I wanted to cry in front of people who were hurting me with their words, but I never did that. I came home and I cried. It’s the safest place to let go of all the emotions.


And the best people in front of whom you can cry are your parents. 

Parents were there with you when you were small and you used to cry for no reason and parents will be there with you when you are all grown up and have a reason to cry.

Try to be strong guys, it will help you in a long run. It will help you to be person who is not taken advantage of and most importantly it will help you to move on in life with a smile on your face.




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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