Why Strategies of many companies fail?


The millionaire question for management is why we fail in to achieve our objective. Every company sets their objectives which they wish to achieve in the short period of time. For this the first step that the companies takes is a planning process in which every area is evaluated and pros and cons are taken into consideration after all the process of planning, coordinating etc. The main question arise is why the strategy fail most of the time there are two reasons:-

  1. The scalar chain principal (the line of communication from top level to the operational department is not proper)
  2. Secondly is lack of managerial skill i.e an ability of manager to translate the strategies into actions to operational department

If the companies are able to have a command over these two basic and important reasons, they will be able to achieve their task. Most of the time the companies frame the strategies but the person who have to translate it lacks in ability to do that. That is the point where the management have to take an action to translate it to the authorized person and make him accountable for the every action.

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