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Sex or Rape? The difference is consent. How do we stop it? Where can we be safe?  The fear of being abducted, raped, stared & molested is increasing immensely. Thoughts like ‘being a girl is such a danger’ always persists. It is just because we are so sick of it, all of it. The hideous crimes happening against women every second has left the women across the nation completely distressed. They are scared, outraged & broken but sadly no one understands their plight, dealing all by themselves. Whether they’re leaving for work, school, shopping or pubs; be it anywhere for that matter, the thought of being abused or touched incongruously exists. It’s not just the women who suffers but everyone attached to them are in an atrocious condition. To add to their awful condition, our own leaders pass comments such as ‘No short skirts’, ‘Marry off girls early to prevent rape’, ‘Even the woman is guilty’. All the above remarks have one thing in common- it’s the women’s fault, they are inviting rapes.

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 The horrendous Delhi gang-rape case left the entire nation staggered. On one hand where thousands were protesting, there were a number of political and religious leaders who had a totally different opinion on this topic. They constantly kept blaming the unfortunate 23rdyear old medical student. One such leader stated-“The girl was also responsible, she should have called the culprits ‘brothers’ and begged them to stop.”  He also added that if the victim had just said that she was of the “weaker sex,” her attackers would have relented. The recent case has left the Indian masses stunned. Two Teenage Girls Gang-Raped, hanged in a village in the northern India state of Uttar Pradesh. Furthermore women are facing huge amount of injustice. It’s not stopped. Not even a slightest bit. Leave alone women, girl child (3 year onwards) are abused more often.  This is just impossible to digest. Nobody knows the trauma the women have gone through and are still going through, the victim as well as all the women who are hearing about it. It’s just inexplicable. “I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head, too?” “After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.” These are some common thoughts that revolve around the victim’s brain persistently.  Amir Khan the most popular and influential actor created and featured as the host of an incredible television talk show Satyamev Jayate  through which he highlights the sensitive social issues prevailing in India. One such issue which he spoke about was Fighting Rape. He gave us an insight into the aftershocks of rape. After the woman gets raped she’s repeatedly raped by the police, hospital, society and the judiciary. The humiliation is at a maximum level. Corrupt police treats the victim and its families in rudest possible manner. Hospitals treats the victim as a piece of meat and runs various tests on her without providing her comfort and peace. The judicial system lay in ruins as they barely give any importance in this matter; thousands of cases are still left unanswered.

We need to change this, we need to understand the sensitivity of today’s condition and fight back. It’s high time we take a step towards it. The main reason all this is happening is because of their chauvinist thinking that men are superior to women. The justice rates in rape cases are so low that criminals have no fear of getting caught and penalized. Women are looked upon as sex objects and are mistreated everywhere possible.

We need to educate the society and bring about a social awareness. Rape victims should not be blamed upon or seen with shameful eyes, instead we have to support them and their families and blame the criminals and no one. The society has to come together and raise their voice against the wrong acts happening against the women, from the mildest to the harshest. I would like to conclude by saying, break silence on men’s violence.’





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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.