Why You Must Watch MTV Coke Studio



Music is universal.  It transcends all boundaries of communication.  Many people immediately push away certain styles of music without having explored what it has to offer. MTV Coke Studio is one show that exposes the raw talent of your favorite artists.  Not all styles of this music will appeal or resonate with a person, but you are for sure, going to have an unrivalled listening experience.

Mtv Coke Studio is a television series that telecasts live music performances by various music artistis from different generes.  MTV’s acclaimed acoustic music series showcases the work of today’s top artists and introduces the stars of tomorrow. This show debuted in 2007 in Brazil. A year later, it was adapted by Pakistan and turned out to be a big hit. In India, MTV coke studio commenced in the year 2011. It has featured iconic artist such as Sunidhi Chauhan, Sonu Nigam, Shankar Mahadevan, Arijit Singh, Shaan and many more.  Season after Season, Coke Studio combined myriad musical influences of the Indian music.

Coke Studio is very different because it’s original. Coke Studio bridges the gap between today’s hottest artists and timeless icons by bringing them together through a fusion of music created to appeal to young fans. The first two seasons of MTV Coke studio brought a confluence of diverse musical generes- both vocal & instrumental. The third season too aspired to create a unique sound that would do justice to the cultural nuances of India. It has 8 episodes being produced by different producers which meant a different sound on every episode.

This Popular musical show has used specific harmonies that create moods to illicit a spiritual experience Moreover; MTV Coke Studio is making mass audience all over the country. It is loved by all age-old groups as of today.  MTV Coke Studio has provided both entertainment and a means of connecting consumers to the brand, while at the same time providing a platform for artists to learn from each other, exchange ideas and collaborate outside of the show. So enjoy this exceptional journey through heart and soul where experimentation is the key of new creativity. Stay Raw and Stay Tuned!

 – Tanvi Shah

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