Why You Should Always Believe In Yourself?!





I always wanted to believe in myself but when I was small I couldn’t do it . I hesitated to believe in myself.

There was a time in my life, where I couldn’t believe myself nor others. Whatever I used to do use to go wrong in some way or the other. I was not strong, I was not vocal about my thoughts because I couldn’t believe in myself. This was because I used to underestimate myself a lot. I used to always question myself whether I am capable enough or not, whether I will be able to do it or not, whether whatever I am doing is right or not etc. These questions used to make me nervous and use burden me a lot.

 After I started believing myself, things started working for me and made me who I am today. Only if you believe in yourself, Life can take to places of success. If you don’t believe, you cant succeed in the things that you are doing.

Always believe in yourself from the start so you can be confident and driven. Always believe in things you are doing when others don’t. 

Always believe in what you are dreaming about . The world what it is today would not have been if we would have stopped dreaming. 

If people laugh at the things you are doing, don’t get discouraged, because that’s what people will always do. They will do all things to bring you down or make you feel discouraged. Since there are very few people who encourage you and appreciate what you are doing !!! 

You know guys there is always a person in our lives who reaches out to us and help us to get up from darkness, that person shows us the right way and gives you motivation and strength in our hard times. That person can be anyone, your friend, parents, a person whom you admire or perhaps a stranger.

The thing is that this motivation and strength helps to believe in yourself. Always remember to be around who motivates you, encourages you and helps you in the time when you question yourself. Try to stay away from people who throw negative energy or thoughts at you. Try to be optimistic.

Never say its impossible or I cannot do it, It is always in a person’s hand to do things that he wants. 

Believe in your heart because it already knows what you want. It will pull you back for a while but it will definitely push you toward the things you love.

If you fail, then always remember its your first step towards your success, don’t stop believing in yourself because of failure. As it is part of our lives.


 And always remember : Whatever you believe, You become – MICHAEL JACKSON.





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.