Why You Should Be Happy From Your Own Things?



Scribbling about our own life’s, comparing our lives with friends and people who are more materialistically happy and crying on why we do not have their lives…a person at the young age always mistaken the problems he’s family goes through and strives to give a better life. He forgets what good things life has given him. Young hearts always imitate things they like and love. Fashion, expensive gadgets and a classy lifestyle – they get trapped towards it and curse their own life. The realization takes place when you find someone else who tries to copy you and your style, your life, the way you are.

Seeing someone else you start liking their life’s which seems to you. The way they dress, the way they brace their hairs, use expensive gadgets and phones, everything. You get friendly with the popular brands and dream to own it curbing on what you have. The fight with parents on high demands and materialistic things starts. When you come to the stage that you say and think – why they brought you in the world if they can’t give you all things. You start to hate your own life.

But there is someone who leads a hard life too. May be working and studying, or merely working to feed his family. They see you and also get impressed. They keenly observe and follow you. They start imitating everything you do. The way you sit, stand, walk and talk. Your every style, they start adoring you, try to do all things that you do. The way you dress, the hairstyle you have. The quality of his clothes may deteriorate. You may have a crisp black shirt while he finds his old wrinkled shirt and wears it. He feels happy to look like you in his old shirt. It’s a sense of happiness for him in this stringent world. And then one day you both crash along when you see him in your attire – in his way. You realize – there is someone who wants to live your life.

Our parents strive hard and give us a living. Still they are never hurt by our harsh words. They always want to give us the best of life. And they do that. It’s when you start realizing it and respect them and love them for that. Thank them for the same and hug them that you are happy to have them. Similarly, we get attracted by people and their life’s which seems to us as shining stars. We do not know how amazing our own life’s are – and what you have they do not. All has got different unique things in life to be proud and happy of. It’s all your vision and effort that makes a change.


When you are happy of what you have – life is happier. Even if you do not own expensive things, you do not splurge huge on foods and restaurants, go to exotic locations in your vacations – your life has something that they do not have. You need to know and discover it. Realize it. And make your life a happy place for yourself.

And you never know – you too might be lucky to have the desired things one day. All successful people have started with a torn cloth and a small house. A crooked life or no shelter. What really matters is staying happy with what you have and dreaming. Also dream to achieve your desires one day.

And you will be happy with what you have. You will be happy in your old clothes and good hairs. In your simple shiny life with quality people and good surrounding. In tings you love. Because god blesses the person first who is happy with what he has. All small things make a sea one day. Happiness will give you happiness. Sadness will only make you sad. It’s your choice what you want to have in life.

Yes sometimes things doesn’t go the way you want, sometimes things doesn’t happen. You feel you have got the wrong things or persons in your life. But then always remember everything happens for a reason. Today if you have something it’s for a cause and similarly if you do not have a thing it’s because of a reason. Which you will realize after some years. Life has no coincidences. All happens for a reason. Being young it should not take much time to understand these things and set them right in mind. If your foot is not well in the ground you will fall ahead. Crying doesn’t give a solution. A smile does. And also remember that there are people who are in worse conditions than yours. If they are surviving and smiling you easily can do it. There are many who do not even have the basic necessities. So if you have any good thing in Life be thankful for each. And be happy.






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