Will BMS students get justice from the University of Mumbai?


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  There seems to be a very dull   response and negative response from Mumbai University this time over for the students petioning for their rights from the university.

Last month with the T.Y.BMS Sem 5 result declaration came out huge numbers of students who had failed in the Financial Management subject. The paper had been set very tough but apart from that even the correction was faulty.

The model answerbooks provided to the faculty had errors, and all of this resulted into bright students scoring single digit marks. Those who had been working round the entire year and putting in so many efforts got KT’s, for many it was a first time experience and their depression and angst against the University for playing with their careers was piling up.

A group of students under the guidance of Professor Neeraj Hatekar, took up the cause and went to the university. They spoke to many people, banged many doors and waited hours and hours outide offices at times to get answers like, ‘the person you are here to meet hasn’t come in at all.’

Sacrificing their study schedules and personal life these students have been running around the univeristy since almost a month, yet there seems no reponse from the University.

They have tried their luck with every authority possibility at the university but dark clouds still hover around any possiblity of a solution. It is truly dishearning to see the University’s unconcerned attitude towards more than 5000 suffering students with KT’s and all the others whose meager marks have caused their percentage and grades to fall impacting their future careers.

We sincerely thank these students for trying so hard, to get the voices of BMSites across Mumbai heard and request the University to think about all the students and take approprite actions soon!

To know the whole story read the following:

The fight for the right of students continues:

A ray of hope for students of Mumbai univeristy:

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