Well, the V Semester results would be coming out late this year. I don’t know how many more days I’ll have to wait for it. Results not a concern for me now, the problem is if I get an AT-KT or AT-KTs, I’ll be having less than a months time to cover  the subjects in which I have got an AT-KT along with my VI Sem subjects.
The new rule states that I can have upto 6 AT-KTs in V sem. But I have heard that AT-KTs in the V sem will reduce my Value as a Graduate as compared to students who cleared the exams without AT-KT.
If it is so, Why this AT-KT system is allowed in the V Sem? A person having an AT-KT should be declared failed than completing graduation that is not gonna be valued. :((
But why you have this negative type of thinking’s??
If you have self confidence then you should not worry about Your result only if you doing well.
This is not my negative thinking, it is the thoughts of my fellow friends what i have shared…… but even you mentioned you should worry about your result “only” if you doing well…. people worry only when they didnt do well… and such negative thoughts arise…..