Wilson College students campaign for eye donation


MUMBAI: The Bachelor of Management Studies(BMS) department of Wilson College, Charni Road, are organising a campaign, ‘I’ Pledge, through which they are planning to spread awareness about eye donation in February.

The BMS students from the college aim to eradicate the ignorance of the general public by spreading awareness about the benefits of donation of eyes and its procedures, to help the blind population by giving them the greatest gift of sight. One of the organizers said, “There are approximately 15 million blind people in India, 75% of which are avoidable blindness.”

Various events are being organized across various localities and demographic sections. On February 6, a seminar focussed on the importance of eye donation and awareness of eye donation will be held. On February 7, a football tournament will be organised again to create awareness.

On the 8th, a transit advertising campaign is going to be held in which two vehicles will move around the city and visit different colleges, looking for eye pledgers. Their mission will be to collect pledges from people to donate their eyes after their death, and in the future reduce the avoidable blindness. On the 9th, a street play will be organised at a mall in Goregaon.


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