Winners Of BMS Gyaani Contest Of the day 5th April 2013 are Priyanka Maskara and Mable Mathew.


Winners Of BMS Gyaani Contest Of the day 5th April 2013 are
Priyanka Maskara and Mable Mathew.

BMS Gyaani Contest Of The Day 10.1Nikita Munde Nikita Munde

Following each of the questions below, you are given two statements. To answer the question, you can use one or both statements
Mark a. if statement (i) is alone sufficient to answer the question.

Mark b. if statement (ii) is alone sufficient to answer the question.

Mark c. if both statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement is independently adequate to answer the question

Mark d. if even both statements taken together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Maryanne has Rs.4 in 50 paise and 1 Rupee coins. How many 50 paise coins does she have?

i. She has less 50 paise coins then 1 Rupee coins

ii. She has a total of odd number coins Correct Answer is A

BMS Gyaani Contest Of The Day 10.2

What was the cost, before tax or delivery charge, on an item for which the total bill with tax and delivery charge was $92.35? (assume that there is no tax on delivery charges)

i. The sales tax rate is 8%

ii. The delivery charge was $3.25 Correct Answer is C
BMS Gyaani Contest Of The Day 10.3

Three different job positions are available in a company and 1000 candidates applied for these positions. 400 candidates applied for the post of Manager and Assistant manager, 420 candidates applied for the post of Assistant Manager and Accountant, while 250 candidates applied for the post of Manager and Accountant. If 500 candidates applied for the post of Manager and 550 candidates applied for the post of Assistant manager, then how many candidates applied only for Accountant?

a. 82
b. 175
c. 475
d.Cannot be determined Correct Answer is D
BMS Gyaani Contest Of The Day 10.4The entire genus of eucalyptus has ____________itself to the Asiatic environment commendably.
a. adapted
b. adopted
c. adjusted
d. accommodated Correct Answer is A
BMS Gyaani Contest Of The Day 10.5Choose the correct synonym for ‘sanguine’ below from the options provided.a.depressed
b. prone
c. buoyant
d. devoted Correct Answer is C





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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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