With 49% TYBMS Students Failing In 2013-14 And Majority Failing in FM, Are Coaching Classes Worth Your Money?



 With 49% of BMS students getting a KT this year there has been a lot of bad blood between the students and the university. Students felt that the professors failed them and professors surely had a valid reason for doing so, in the entire bargain one more facet that has come up is of BMS coaching classes.

Finding a coaching class that caters for BMS students is on its own a difficult task and once found, if after paying so much money you still get a KT it hurts real bad! Many coaching classes made tall promises of 100% guarantee in results. Their study material and professors were marketed as the only path to clearing the university exams which failed in most of the cases.

What is the use of going through so much trouble of spending time and money over a coaching class and travelling all that distance if those who studied on their own without a coaching class to aid them fared well in the university exams?

‘Study hard’ and that’s the only mantra that works with the university. If you wish to give your classes a boot for this term, try it at your own risk but make sure that you don’t compromise on your hard work because, its only your efforts that will help in making a difference to your results.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


  1. Wake up students…self-study is the best medicine. Refer some good books on the topic (not written by some BMS professor). Go to your library and explore. Focus on understanding the concepts. You will come across some nice explanations, charts and examples, which would help you understand the concept in a better manner.You can then make notes from those books. Don’t waste your time on coaching classes…you can devote that time on self-study.

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