With the next season of IPL well on its way the big question that arises is: Should IPL be banned?



Indian Premier League, the name immediately registers the win-win combination of glamour and cricket. The cheerleaders and the celebrity spectators, IPL is the perfect recipe for great TRP’s and amazing entertainment. When IPL was launched, it was a new concept and grabbed eyeballs from all over the world.

 Recently, Justice Mudgal committee gave its report on the spot fixing case of IPL season 6. Even before, IPL has been marred with controversies regarding the auctioning of players or funding of money. But with every day controversies, the question arises whether IPL should be banned or not.

 IPL has provoked the issue of a girl’s objectification as the cheer girls employed for the matches present the picture of a modern woman in a bad light. Many issues have pointed towards the spot-fixing and match- fixing in IPL matches. It has encouraged betting culture in Cricket.

In the Mudgal committee itself, issues have been raised about the funding of IPL franchises. Also if sources are to be believed, underworld don is also behind the betting and funding of matches. The name of a union minister has also come under scanner, earlier when it was reported that black money was involved in IPL.

It was launched to encourage friendship and co-operation among various players from different countries but in the matches itself, we have seen players abusing and fighting with each other. IPL has become a mode of earning windfall gains for famous entrepreneurs of our country. Most importantly there is no transparency in the process of selection of players and allocation of franchises in the IPL.

Talking in favor of Cricket lovers, IPL has made India a center of attraction in the world of cricket. With various players from different countries playing together; it has provided a platform for brotherhood and friendship. Also it has encouraged sportsmanship.

 It has generated various employment opportunities during the tournaments. When players all over the world play together, they get to know about the weakness and strengths of their colleagues which helps them in main cricket matches. Many retired cricketers, who still have the stamina to perform, get a platform to showcase their sportsman abilities.

 It creates revenue for BCCI as well as for state and central government in the form of tourism; as many people come to India to watch the matches. It is a win-win situation for all. Ban is not the answer for any allegation, investigation is.

IPL was initiated with a good spirit and also became very popular all over the world. But it can’t be denied that there have been various discrepancies in the way the tournament is being carried out at present. 

What needs to be done is to investigate into all the allegations and also make the process more transparent so that, the chances of cheating and fixing are minimized. This will help in keeping the tournament intact from controversies.



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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