Women are no glove puppets: Sakshi Tanwar


She has not only commanded an equal amount of remuneration as that of her male counterpart Ram Kapoor but also an equal magnitude of admiring eyes and applauds for her performance in “Bade Achhe Lagte Hain”,the popular daily soap which grabbed an impressive number of eyeballs. From her reel life feminist performances to women empowerment , your beloved TV star,Sakshi Tanwar speaks out about  the unresolved issues that continue to haunt Indian women and more.images

1)You have played some truly inspiring feminist characters which have tugged at the most cynical heartstrings.From Parvati of Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii to Priya how has your journey been?

A) Truly phenomenal!Parvati was an iconic character.She upheld the values of the joint family system, which was the backdrop of the show.Though most people dubbed serials of that time as regressive, let me clarify that they were not.They spoke their minds and fought their rights.Parvati was a mountain of an image to break.I was humbled and overwhelmed when people accepted as Priya, a contemporary urban women completely different from Parvati. Frankly, if Parvati and Priya meet they will completely disapprove of each other.

2)And you have also hosted the show   Mujhe Pankh De Do which is about women who have battled all odds and carved a niche for themselves.How was the experience?

A) Anchoring the show was really an enriching experience. An encounter with some of the most renowned women helped me to grow as an individual too and their iron-hard perseverance and never-say-die attitude left me awestruck.

3)How did it feel to be a part of that project?

A )I felt extremely proud to be associated with it as it was about women empowerment, a topic very close to my heart.

4)Do you agree to the fact that there has been a considerable shift in the position of women in our society?                                         A )Yes.From just being someone’s daughter, mother, wife or sister, the Indian woman is finally having an identity of her own.Whether it is politics,sports,science,education or entertainment, the Indian woman is making her presence felt at the top globally.

5)What do you think are the issues confronting Indian women?

A) One of the biggest issues faced by Indian women is the lack of gender equality and safety of women.The status of women in terms of equality of genders is still like two sides of the coin—on side is promising, and other bleak.

6)How do you think that the two sides can become one?

A)That is possible only through change!Every day should be a new day, a new awakening for them and that can only happen with change.

7)The forces of darkness no longer need the shelter of night.Women are being raped ,slaughtered, maimed,hammered and what not in broad daylight itelf!What do you have to say on this?


It is cringeworthy ! A womam can become the Prime Minister or President of the country.How we Indians bend our head infront of female deities but still all these heinous offences are happening.Even the capital of our nation has become unsafe for us! A white woman dressed for sight-seeing is not spared.Really shameful!Such men need to know that women are not glove-puppets! They are fighters!

8)A last message for all the women out there ?

A)Don’t let anything shirk you from believing in yourself.You have a lot to be proud of.So continue endeavour with a hard-rock determination and be the woman with those spirits that no man can break!

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