Is Celebrating International Women’s Day Only For ‘One Day’ Worth?



There is this very wrong thought regarding ‘Women’s Day’ celebrations, I mean why just one day, women need to be celebrated everyday, right? 😛 Feminism apart, women’s day celebrated each year on the 8th of March, is when we women celebrate being the multi-talented, undercover super-heroes that we are (oops.. i forgot to put a break to feminism) and the men in our lives celebrate it in our honour!

I won’t go giving gyaan on the usual typo’s of a woman- a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend she plays so many roles with ease or the reason behind every successful man is a woman simply because you know it aldready! 

To the woman of today I specially want to say that, when your male partners feel that today’s women instead of cooking like their mother’s drink like their father’s, tell them we can conduct business and become thorough professionals just like our father and can feed the family with equal ease, just like him.

So we are no more dependent on men for our livelihood! But yes, ultimately bieng women at heart we love you and won’t bare our fangs and drill this fact into your head unless you push us too!

A very Happy Women’s Day, have a blast and make this day ultra special for all the women in your life who matter!

A few good reads to pep-up the Women’s day Mood:

  • 10 must-haves of an Indian Woman’s Wardrobe: 
  • Women feel proud: Why women beat men at being better managers:
  • The perfect article on women empowerment: Women in politics empowerment or tokenism? 
And ofcourse, need help in making it special for all the women in your life, here’s a little help: 


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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