Women’s Safety, An Issue Which Can Be Addressed By Allocating Grants?


enough is enough

Former Finance minister P Chidambaram had allocated an additional Rs 1,000 crore in February to the Nirbhaya Fund for the safety and empowerment of women. The real question arises that is granting funds only way to address women’s safety in India? and How can we make every place safe for women? How to make them free from fear of violence, sex exploitation, harassment, etc?

In the new Govt Budget 2014 Rs 150 Cr is allocated for the safety of women in cities and Rs 50 Cr for safety on public transport, as well as Rs 100 Cr for the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” scheme for the girl child. But Can the issue of women’s safety be  triggered mere by giving money??


Why aren’t women and girls safe today in India? Who is responsible for their safety? How should that safety be assured? India,mainly know for its rich cultural heritage have to ask these questions to itself.It’s not that only women should strive to claim for their protection but also the people in the vicinity should change their mindset and dwell the thoughts for securing women from danger or exploitation.

Concerns about safety limit women’s mobility and activities and teach them to strategize everything from timings to travel to how to walk to the office or college toilet. Rather than eschewing your girl-friend or sister from stepping out of the house, start protecting them. Not by stealing their birth rights but by providing  them a sense of security. Stand for their rights, fight for their injustice,make them feel secured wherever they go and take out time to help promote social awareness schemes. Who knows your persistence and focus on empowering the women might just change the way people look at them.


Yes, laws matter and governments are responsible first and foremost, for public safety. Yes, we should be careful and thoughtful about potential risks. But we—each of us, all of us, together—also bear responsibility together for the world as it is and as it should be. Groping is not acceptable if a girl boards a crowded bus. Staying on to work with the team to meet a project deadline is not seduction.

Stopping violence does not need to involve confrontation and danger. It can be as simple as noticing and as sharing what one learns (from ideas to laws to helplines). Being alert and being considerate are more than half the battle won.But by blaming the govt or police or girl (for wearing short pants-as an invitation for exploitation) is utter nonsense.

women's safety

The next half of the battle can be won by taking the responsibility in same level of seriousness,setting our goal to violence-free nation and eventually the world.This would be helpful for our children as we start building the world in which we want our children to live in..SAFELY!

– Vatsal Doshi

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