Here Is How Wonder Woman looks like in ‘Batman v. Superman’.(TEASER!!!)


Our First Glimpse of Batman V. Superman Includes the New Wonder Woman

Director Zack Snydersurprised Comic-Con crowds this morning by opening up Warner Bros.’ big panel with art and a teaser for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, as well as a first look at Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

While the footage isn’t online, Snyder did tweet out the photo of Gadot — and it’s perhaps the most exciting image that we’ve seen from the film to date. While Snyder’s images of Batman and Superman were both gray and moody, Wonder Woman appears to be staring something (or someone) down with intensity, while embers from a fire scatter all around her.

Footage from the film was easily the most unexpected aspect of Snyder’s presentation though, as the movie is still shooting and is planned for a release way out in 2016.

According to SlashFilm, the brief teaser begins with Batman in an armored suit that looks like it’s right out of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. Batman then turns on the Bat-signal, illuminating Superman up in the sky, who’s staring down Batman.

Clearly, the two aren’t happy with one another. We’re not sure how it’ll play out just yet, but it sounds as though Snyder’s film looks very good already.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


  1. THANKS a lot was waiting for the glimpse of the teaser..
    finally got t here..
    thank you so so much..
    BATMAN v SUPERMAN ruleessss..

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