Students, who were inconvenienced during the October-December exam due to the negligence of some institutes and the Mumbai University, will not suffer, resolved the board of examinations (BoE) on Monday.
For around 400 students from the part-time MMS course who got a 100-mark question paper instead of a 60-mark one at JBIMS, the board has decided to give them marks proportionately. The syllabi of both the question papers were the same, said controller of examination, Padma Deshmukh. For close to 800 BSc -IT students who got 30 minutes less to write their paper in October, the board members will be devising a formula to compensate them for the less time they were given. Deshmukh said, “We will have to work out a formula taking into account the time spent by students on each question in both the cases. A formula will soon be worked out and students will not suffer.”
However, the error in the chemical engineering question paper of ‘reaction kinetics’ was not brought up for discussion in the meeting. The dean of technology, S K Ukrande, said that it will be discussed soon. The pro-vice-chancellor Naresh Chandra added that corrective measures will be taken in all instances of goof-ups reported during the exam.