Work-Planning for Ultimate Success


The Employees Union of Metro Copper Limited is negotiating on wage revision and productivity improvement with the management. Employees complain that the company’s clerical staff are inefficient and unorganized in its overall functioning. It is also said that clerks do not understand the priorities of their superiors and do not communicate properly.

The union is thinking of designing a neat approach on work planning, so that the clerks would do better job in lesser time, as per the priority required. Time bound work-plans or objective-oriented work-plans and quality of work are also part of the design.

Some clerks felt that normal clerical efficiency and normal weekly or monthly workload should be defined. This would in turn facilitate the clerks to plan their operations smoothly. Employees feel that clerks must agree on flexibility in timing and nature of work, and their support should always be of good quality and uninterrupted. The clerks should also try to improve their work-plans by learning new methods, by adopting better work culture etc.

The union also believes that a suitable work planning manual should be designed, for the benefit of both senior and junior clerks. The manual should explain in details, different work plans suitable for different occasions and requirements. It should also elaborate upon different techniques to be used in improving work plan and making them more practical.

Another factor to be seriously considered as attitudinal change in the mindset of the clerks. A clerk should have an optimistic look at a work plan to increase the degree of his success. He must be able to link his routine and occasional work plans with the work plans of his superior.


Discuss in detail the different approaches for work planning, with their merits and limitations.

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