Work-From-Home Myths Debunked!


Work-Home meme.

Many people work from home. However, there are few people who actually make it work and productive. Myths surround the “work-from-home” idea. However, it’s better if you keep yourself away from these myths as they are just going to be counter-productive.

While it proves to beneficial for students opting for internship programmes, professional people just ignore the “work-from-home” concept. In order to clear out the misconception on this, let me present to you the 5 myths:

1- “You can’t make real money.”


Most people feel that you can’t actually make any money from work-from-home jobs. However, just for their knowledge the freelancing concept is emerging fast. With the development of and, the future of freelancing has never been brighter. Jobs are available online for design, marketing and strategies. Since oDesk’s founding in 2005, freelancers have earned over $1 billion online in 2013. 

2- “It’s a scam.”


Yes, there may be some scams going on online as everything is on cloud. However, everything is not as you think. It’s upto you whether you become a victim of those scams. Believe in trusted sources and just not anyone who approaches you online.

3- “I would never be able to stay focused.”

focus nerd

It’s an excuse rather than a myth I feel. You need to look within yourself and spark up that confidence level. Do your work in a place where you are distracted the least. Focusing on your work is something you develop as you grow in these areas.

4- “Clients won’t take me seriously.”


Clients are in need of value rather than figuring out from where do you work. As look as you provide them with possible means and stay productive, it won’t matter. Your clients might be hiring freelancers from every corner of the globe. Work place, location and work configuration is seldom discussed after hiring. The only thing clients require from freelancers is active internet to connect and communicate for work.

5- “I feel weird working in sweatpants.”

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That’s your problem. Personally, I can’t relate. You may want to talk to a psychologist about why you have such a deep attachment to wearing slacks.  

It isn’t as bad as professionals think. Personally, as a student I feel it’s the optimum solution for hands on experience while managing college. You can be more productive as there is no one on your head and you can manage your time in YOUR way!

-Vatsal Doshi

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