World Environment Day – And Why It Makes Do Crazy Cartwheels Of Joy!


It’s World Environment Day today and as I type this post it gives me immense pleasure to wake up to the fact that human kind is being so helpful and kind to mother nature. Don’t you believe me?


Well then here goes, we have overpopulated the planet so much that the leopards and panthers from my city’s national park have decided to come and play with the kid’s of the nearby residential complexes, fraternizing with the wild is so cool, and any ways if the panther gobbles down a few kids from the neighborhood it’s not such a huge issue is it?


We have cut down on trees and blasted away mountains to make space for us to stay, but hey those species who lost their homes and got extinct in trying to survive, were not that good looking were they? some win, some loose can’t help!

The rivers are dirty, because we chose to throw trash in them and the air is polluted because our ego’s don’t permit us to car pool, vast expanses of plastic trash is created because we cant wash our dishes and need disposable one’s and of course wasn’t the sea meant to be peed into? But hey dare you call us humans selfish we are just a little ignorant that’s all.


We burn natural resources like coal to generate electricity because I can’t afford to let my smart phone die, while I browse the net on my tablet and simultaneously download songs on the laptop. Charging everything at the same time has become so important hasn’t it?


We are humans, supposedly the smartest race of animal’s created by Nature. She gave us a structure which was different than the animals, equipped us with a heart to care and a brain to understand. But today this nature’s creation has lost it’s heart to greed and let its brain take wise and selfish decisions that have backfired on the very mother who created us!


Happy World Environment Day!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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