World Of Wi-Fi and You!



Every time a new technology that arrives at the global scenario, is viewed with awe. Later, it is accepted. What is more, its new uses also discovered by intelligent users around the world.  In the case of WiFi, we expect a similar development. WiFi stands for wireless fidelity.  It is a new technology that helps the mobile internet users take the advantage of Wireless Technology in a building, office or home. The primary advantage of WiFi is that internet users can keep themselves in touch with the information superhighway of the world.

Most of us are aware about this new tool. It has arrived in our country though only a few installations of this device cannot be deemed the harbinger of its arrival. You might have heard about Ahemdabad city going to be WiFi zone or about Banglore Airport that has this Wifi facility. Branded shops, coffee barista, clubs, food courts in the malls as well as hostels of the premier institutes and colleges have also started providing this facility for the convenience of the users.

As on date, it is costly technique. However, its prices would fall down soon, aver IT connoisseurs. The ideal use of WiFi in desktop is not a distant reality in our country. There are also cons of this new tool. To procure this facility one needs to connect its device to the server which requires a password to connect. For genuine users, this may prove very helpful. But, there is a chance that unauthorised users misuse this facility and access the net. Net cafes and large buildings, where net surfing is a routine task, can have immediate WiFi effect.

To sum up, people should welcome this new technology which has yet to make deep inroads into the industries, net cafes and business house of our country.

– Tanvi Shah

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