5 Of The World’s Most Amazing Airports!


I am going to list down the world’s 5 best airports, which are just mind-blowing, beautiful and a small town in itself! Isn’t it just amazing? You will love these airports and be amused at what these airports offer their passengers!

1. Changi Airport (Singapore):

 The Changi airport is designed specially to alleviate the stress of travel and a place for its passengers to enjoy while they wait. It has an outdoor pool, theatres, spas, four-story slide, showers and a butterfly garden. This airport is loved by its 46.5 million passengers! And not to forget, if you plan to stay inside the airport then you even have houses!


2. Incheon Airport (South Korea): 

Incheon is the largest airport in South Korea and serves 39.2 million passengers yearly! It’s ranked second for its excellent cleanliness, external views, being a home to a museum of Korean culture, resting areas, internet access, local food choices and 5 star services!


3. Munich Airport (Germany): 

This airport is Germany’s second busiest airport, having 37.8 million passengers yearly. The interiors are beautiful and pleasing. Many of the walls and ceilings are made of glass, making it feel spacious and open. It is also famous for offering its passengers a 45 minute train ride from Munich city center.

4. Hong Kong Airport (Hong Kong):

 Hong Kong’s airport is one of the busiest airports in the world, offering its services to 53.3 million passengers every year! It’s ranked in the top 5 because of it amazing baggage delivery service, dining, shopping and cleanliness. It added its 3rd runaway in 2012 to increase its capacity. It also offers its golf loving passengers a nine-hole golf course!

5. Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam):

 Starting as a military airfield, Schiphol is now one of the busiest airports in the world with 49.8 million passengers yearly! This airport offers services like massage, poker games at the casino, library for book lovers while they wait for their flight. It also has excellent dining, shopping and leisure options!

It is so interesting to know that even airports can be fun while you wait for your departure or just plan to hang in there for a while. If you think I should add a few more amazing airports, do share 🙂 !

– Saloni Tolia.


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