World’s Biggest Television With A Size Of 370 Inches


370 inch tv

London-based manufacturer Titan has launched the world largest television to view England’s goals in high definition. Named Zeus, the television is eight metres by five metres – or 370 inches – around the size of a football goal – and it could be yours for £1 million ($1.7 million).

Before this, the largest TV in world was Panasonic’s 152-inch set. Zeus shows programmes in 4K – the equivalent of double high-definition (HD). The huge screen can allow viewers to watch 20 channels at the same time. It is also the only screen in the world that reacts to the light in the room. Only four Zeus screens will be made, the first two having already been pre-sold to a British media millionaire and to a hotel on the seafront in Cannes. The one sold to the unnamed British millionaire is thought to be installed at the bottom of their swimming pool.

With the FIFA World Cup just commencing, football fans from around the globe are looking for the perfect place to watch the action. And just in time, Titan has launched the world’s largest television to view all the goals in high definition. It features 65 billion colours, weighs almost a tonne and can be controlled via gestures, with users able to change the channel with a simple wink. The huge screen can work in ‘panel format’ allowing viewers to watch up to 20 channels at any one time, at the same time. The Zeus is a dream product and also a limited edition one, nearly impossible to buy.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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