World’s most scariest movie of all time


All right it’s time to hold something tight and bite your nails and be very careful as the list for the most scariest movie made on the globe:


1. The Exorcist (1973 )


The premise:Forget about the other demon movies. Forget about any other horror movie. This film directed by William Friedkin, about a young girl possessed by the Devil, is by far the most frightening movie ever made. Not so much for the fact that the possessed Regan (Linda Blair) spouts obscenities and pools of green spew, but for the fact that it happens to an everyday, unsuspecting child. Simply by opening the attic, all hell breaks loose.

Best line:“Your mother’s in here, [Father] Karras. Would you like to leave a message? I’ll see that she gets it.”


2: Halloween (1978)        


The premise: Hell with the Freddys and the Jasons of the world. If you have to pick one of the best slasher movies out there, then John Carpenter’s Halloween has to be it. The story of Michael Myers (no, not the Austin Powers guy) and his unrelenting pursuit of his poor teenage sister, Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis), is a cover-your-eyes, jump-straight-out-of-your-chair horrorfest.

Best line:”It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”


3: Psycho (1960)                            


The premise:Alfred Hitchcock shocked movie-going audiences unmercifully with this classic, mainly because no one had ever seen something so graphic and so provocative, and it set the standard for all slasher/serial killer movies to follow. The film centers on Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins), a likable fellow who runs the lowly Bates Motel while his mother–supposedly–sits in the creepy house on the hill. When an attractive, buxom traveler (Janet Leigh) rents a room for the night, Norman goes just a little crazy (whee whee whee…).

Best line:“A boy’s best friend is his mother.”


4: Alien (1979)                  


The premise:Talk about scary alien movies–this Ridley Scott film ranks as the best of them all. En route back to Earth, a mining freighter and its crew investigates a distress call on a distant planet–and end up bringing on board a very unwelcome guest.

Best line:Its tagline: “In space, no one can hear you scream.”


5: The Shining (1980)            


The premise: Redrum! Redruuum! A Stephen King adaptation as seen through the eccentric eyes of director Stanley Kubrick, The Shining is set in the ominous Overlook Hotel high up in the Colorado mountains, a luxurious place whose deadly history is legendary. When Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson), his wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and their weird little boy, Danny (Danny Lloyd), come to take care of the place during its long, cold winter hiatus, all manner of bad things happen.

Best line“Wendy! Darling! Light of my life! I’m not gonna hurt you… I’m just gonna bash your brains in”; “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”; and the best of them all, “Heeeeere’s Johnny!”




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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