Worried About The Money Drain:- Android E-Wallet App To The Rescue!



Have you been in a situation when words of wisdom such as Money do not grow on trees!! U needs to be accountable!! are a matter of daily coincidences with your parents .Accept it or not gone are the days when that 100 Rupee or I would not be surprised if I say even 500 or more vanishes from our hand like fairy dust .We have heard of accounts but a daily account of our financial transactions in our notebook does seem a bit 1960’s .Isn’t it??Enlisted here are 3 Android apps that you could use as your e-wallet

e wallet

>> www.walletapp.net

A user friendly app for tracking your daily income and expenses .Not only that with an efficient yet effective functioning it would also benefit oneself in taking useful Financial Decision as well

With about a 4.6 MB app storage and an average of 4.4 star review in the android app store

>> My wallets

developed by Pavel Kataykin is a perfect e-account of all your financial transaction so if you are caught up in a fix as for where your money was spent or whom you are in debt to and where exactly can you save the wallet leak this app is the answer with a pictorial description of your financial records not only it has a cloud synchronization as well with just a 5.18 MB storage and an average 4.3v review by the android market users

>> Wallet

Developed by Rajesh Ravichandran this application is one of the simplest e-wallet apps that one can find in the google play store with a simple yet effective User Interface for it takes only 5 minutes to update one’s income and expenses and find out the trouble shoot areas

With a minimum storage of266kB and an average 4.5 star review in the android market

So now you will have a better understanding as for your problem areas in terms of money giving you an insight that money does indeed not grow in trees it’s not a great thing to own pots of money what’s fancy is the efficient yet effective use of those pots of Money. Making it a perfect financial note to remember ..

– Khyati Kotiyan

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namrata desai


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