Worst Sportsmanship Moments in Sports



There is always a competitiveness in Sports and it is made for competition but there is always a class about each sport which is kept by great sportsmanship moments, but sometimes emotions are just so huge and frustrations gets on the player or just the player is a ‘not so classy’ and we witness some of the worst sportsmanship which is a disgrace to sports and humanity.

Harbhajan Singh

It was Australia vs India, Sydney 2008 when Harbhajan racially abused Andrew Symonds by calling him ‘monkey’, Harbhajan got away with the ban and Australian Cricket Board weren’t able to do anything against BCCI.

Sergio Busquets

The video of Barcelona and Spanish midfielder Sergio Busquets is viral on the internet, Busquets was play acting and he just had a quick view of whether the opponent is red carded so he can stop acting and stand up, it was a disgraceful moment and even the biggest Barcelona fans have shame in watching that incident.

Luis Suarez

Suarez has a bad reputation because of diving, racism and biting but one of the worst came in Fifa World Cup South Africa when Ghana would have won the match and been to the semi finals if Suarez had not stopped the ball which was going into the net by his Hand. He was red carded for such a thing and Ghana got a penalty which they missed to score, eventually Uruguay went to the semis.


Mike Tyson

Another controversial character in the boxing world, it was a match between Tyson and Holyfield. Mike Tyson bit an ear of Holyfied which referee warned him to not do It again, he did it again and this time he pulled out a piece ear of his opponent.

Diego Maradona

This has to be the worst sportsmanship ever happened in sports and look who it is, Diego Maradona, one of the worst sportsman and a disgraceful person to ever play the game. This was a match where Maradona scored one of the greatest goals in the World Cup history against England but there was one more goal which was regarded as one of the most controversial goals ever when he scored a goal with hand and this goal was dubbed as the ‘Hand of God’


These were the few examples of sportsmen who are a disgrace to the beautiful games but ironically have a huge fan base and achieved great records in their particular field of sports.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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