Would Anyone Like A Cup Of Coffee? The Secrets To A Super-Happy Cold Winter Evenings


Cold Winter Evenings

Everyone has those days when you have absolutely nothing to do. Even I have those days, but I like to spend such days at home, especially in winters.

So here are some ways how you can spend your day warming up a cold evening at your place :

1. Cook for yourself 

I love cooking, I know it is not for everyone, but I personally think that knowing little bit of cooking won’t be waste.

So cook something easy, simple and warm. Like hot chocolate with marsh mellows or coffee or tea as you like. I like to drink coffee as it refreshes me and also it is very easy to make.

I also like to make pasta for myself. You can find different pasta recipes on YouTube which are easy and fun to make.

2. Do your hobby 

In busy days we all tend to forget our hobbies. We don’t get time for hobbies due to busy schedules. So when you have absolutely nothing to do on some days, you can totally invest some time in your hobbies. Doing our hobbies will rejuvenate you. It will make you happy and you will be doing some thing productive rather than just sitting and wasting time.

3. Watch movies or dramas : 

I like to spend cold evening watching good movies or dramas. You can watch good movies which you have missed out at home. 

I am a huge fan of Korean and Japanese dramas so I catch up on those dramas. Best part about K dramas and J drama is that they are not long, they are usually  12-25 episodes. Hence easier to catch up and fun to watch.

reading books

4. Reading books

I have mentioned in my earlier posts that reading is important. We don’t get time to read sometimes, so utilizing this free time for reading is the best thing you can do. Read novels which you have left incomplete or maybe start a new one. It will be beneficial for you.

5. Surfing net and reading blogs

One of my favorite things to do, I like to read blogs, so when I get time, I catch up on different blogs that I follow. I love to watch YouTube videos about cooking, fashion, movie reviews etc. so I catch up on those as well.

Many say that it is waste of time, but nowadays it is a great source through which you can get knowledge and learn things quickly. It will be productive for you as you will know new things.

These are the things which I do on boring winter evenings, when I have absolutely nothing to do.

I know many people might do different things depending upon their know preferences but these are my personal preferences.

I love winter season so I wish to get a day off to spend such time with myself. I just need my blanket, my laptop and a cup of coffee and I am done to spend my cold evenings at my place.

cold evenings

Enjoy your cold and warm evening guys !!!





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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