Wrap Up In Style: Stylish Ways To Tie A Scarf!



Little do we know that scarves are the most wearable accessory and sure way to change up a look. When you are wearing something really simple so they can help you glam up the look. There are few techniques which will help you. They are as follows:


scarf loose ends

You can pair this up with your  leather jackets and some light layers and it is a great way to bundle up on a chilly fall day.

To get the look –

1) Firstly,you have to start by draping  the scarf around the neck, letting one end extend longer.

2) Wrap the long end of the scarf twice around the neck.

3) Finish off by tucking the end into the wrap, pulling the end out from the bottom.

4) Secure the scarf by tying a single-knot, then adjusting and concealing the knot.


                       looper scarf

If  you’re looking for something a little different, whether that be pattern or texture; this is a simple way to change things up!

To get the look, tie a knot where the ends of the scarf meet. Then cross the scarves, to form an 8. Lastly, loop the top circle over your head to finish. Also make sure to tuck in the knot in the back.


twist n tie scarf

This is a great look to add dimension to an outfit, and great under more structured jackets.

 To get the look:

1) Cross and wrap the scarf around the neck.

2) Tie the two loose ends.

3) To finish, just fluff up the scarf and tuck the loose ends inside your coat or jacket.


classic european scarf

Also known as the slip knot, this technique is my favorite, and the one I use most often, especially when I’m adding a scarf to my outfits last minute.

To get the the look, simply create a slip knot around the neck by creating at the half-fold of the scarf.

Then, pull the loose ends through the loop. Tighten and adjust the scarf to personal preference.


relaxed tie scarf

If you are one of those ardent scarf-lovers who just want to incorporate the scarf in your outfit,you should try it. Whether you’re wearing a fitted peacoat or an over sized boyfriend coat, this is an easy way to add a finishing touch.

To achieve this, simple drape the scarf evenly around the neck. Tie a loose knot, keeping the center open, on one side of the scarf. Then, thread the other end through the loop before pulling it through. Lastly, adjust the scarf by gently pulling the shorter end, evening out both ends.

Your scarf is something which will help you spice up any attire and enable you to keep experimenting.There are many other styles you can incorporate and pull off umpteen looks in vogue.


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Riya Lokhande


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