Effectiveness testing involves specialized set of research techniques known as “Advertising Research”. This is purely evaluative in nature, as opposed to the research done prior to campaign planning, which helps to develop the overall campaign strategy. A lot of time and money is spent on the latter type of research, also known as “Developmental Advertising Research”. Advertising research gives advertisers and campaign planner’s feedback such as how many people received the message, how it was interpreted, which media were most successful in delivering the message, and what sales resulted from the advertising. This feedback in turn, helps to refine or modify the campaign in successive phases.
1. Growth In Advertising Spends:
In India, the growth in the scale of advertising expenditures has been brought about mainly by the entry of MNC’s. According to a recent study, MNC’s account for over 50% of the total money spent on advertising today. This has lead to increasing research spending to test the effectiveness of the campaigns.
2. General Trend Towards More Scientific Decision-Making:
Market research has taken off in a big way in India, because it provides accurate data based on which decisions may be taken. The same is true of advertising research. It helps to select the approach that best achieves the objective of the campaign.
3. Differences In The Effectiveness Of The Individual Advertisements And The Media:
Research has revealed that advertisements costing the same amount of money differ vastly in their effectiveness. Some medias are found to be more effective than others, irrespective of the message. This has given rise to the need for advertising research, to see whether ads have high or low ratings.