Write a note on Advertising Research



It involves decisions on-

The  elements  of  an  ad  to  be  tested.  (What should  be  tested?) Eg:  TV, music, etc.

The method to be used. (When should they be tested?) Eg: Pre-test, post- test.

Whether they should be tested before or after the campaign. (How should they be tested?)

The  question  “what  should  be  tested”  refers  to  the  specific  elements  of  the campaign  that  are  to  be  measured  for  their  effectiveness-  headlines,  visuals, slogans,  media  and  so  on.  Advertisers  would  like  to  measure  each  of  these elements but it is not practically possible. Therefore the advertiser has to focus on those  elements  that may be measured  with  some degree of accuracy. The most common areas that are evaluated are the advertising messages and the media.



This  refers  to  testing  the  entire  advertising  campaign.  Both  the  advertising strategy or what is said as well as the creative execution, or “how it is said”, may be tested for their effectiveness in terms of recall of the message, ability to induce action, or some other measure.


In testing, the media for their effectiveness in delivering a message, media types, media vehicles, as well as media units could be tested.

In addition to message and media, some other areas of advertising that may also be evaluated include:


Advertisers  may  want  to  test  a  particular  strategy  or  a  television  commercial against various market segments, to determine their reactions. In this process, the advertisers may even decide to alter the strategy and to target the campaign to a different market.


Advertisers  may also  be interested in knowing what product benefits appeal to consumers and  what motivates  them to buy, which helps  to know  whether the right appeals have been developed.


Advertising  research  can also help to determine the effectiveness  of different levels of advertising spendings, in terms of sales generated.


Advertisers  can  also  test  consumer  responses  to  a  campaign  during  different seasons  of  the  year,  or  days  of  the  week.  They  can  test  whether  frequent advertising  is  more  effective  than  occasional  or  on-time  insertions,  or  whether year-round advertising of say, a gift products, is more effective than advertising concentrated in the festival season.


Regarding “ when campaigns should be tested”, campaign evaluation can  be done in two stages-before the campaign is run and after it has been run.

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