Write a note on Cognitive Dissonance.
Ans.   Sternberg also distinguished between four different forms of thinking styles : monarchic, hierarchic, oligarchic and anarchic. These different forms of thinking affect the way an individual approaches the world and its problems.
1.     Monarchic form : People who exhibit a predominantly monarchic style tend to be motivated by a single goal or need at a time. They are single – minded concentrate only on one issue and assess a situation only from their view point.
2.     Hierarchic form : People with a hierarchic form of thinking style are motivated by a hierarchy of goals. They recognize that not all goals can be fulfilled equally well and that some are more important than others. Hence they set priorities.
Hierarchic people like to divide up their resources between various goals. They also tend to be systematic and organized when formulating their solutions to problems and in their decision – making.
3.     Oligarchic form : People with an oligarchic thinking style are also motivated by several goals, but have difficulties in deciding which goals to give priority to. Sometimes, they might have problems with allocating resources and hence feel pressured.
4.     Anarchic form : People with an anarchic style show a tendency to be motivated by a variety of needs and goals. They and others often find it difficult to sort out these diverse goals.
Anarchic people have a random approach and often have difficulty in adapting to their organisation if the environment there is very rigid. However, an anarchic individual is often creative as they take bits of information from here and there and put it in a creative way.