Write a note on Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR)


Container Corporation of India Ltd. (CONCOR), was incorporated in March 1988 under the Companies Act, and commenced operation from November 1989 taking over the existing network of 7 ICDs from the Indian Railways.


From its humble beginning, it is now an undisputed market leader having the largest network of 59 ICDs/CFSs in India. In addition to providing inland transport by rail for containers, it has also expanded to cover management of Ports, air cargo complexes and establishing cold-chain. It has and will continue to play the role of promoting containerization of India by virtue of its modern rail wagon fleet, customer friendly commercial practices and extensively used Information Technology. The company developed multimodal logistics support for India’s International and Domestic containerization and trade. Though rail is the main stay of our transportation plan, road services and also provided to cater to the need of door-to-door services, whether in the International or Domestic business.


CONCOR’s mission is to provide efficient and reliable multi-modal logistics support for the country’s EXIM and domestic trade and commerce. To ensure enhanced customer satisfaction, growing shareholder value, high growth and consolidation of status as market leader.


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