Write a note on Harmony with Environment


Harmony with Environment:

With the help of YOGA, meditation man (manager) tries to purify himself within, tries to eliminate dust of anxieties, stress, depression from his mind and tries to achieve tranquility so that he can work in present and with more concentration and achieve his targets efficiently. Thus practicing these activities he truly and only concentrates on his body and his work, but at the same time man cannot ignore the environment he is living in. As he concentrates on himself to realize his targets, he has to get harmonize with the environment for the same. He has to get adjust with the people around him, his family, his home, his office environment, his boss, subordinates, nature around etc. So that it would have positive impact on his actions, his mind, ideas will flourish in harmonized environment. He could also maintain healthy and natural lifestyle. Locating and shaping spaces in harmony with both the physical and the spiritual environment is required to empower the harmonious interaction between person and place. Harmonizing with environment will result into getting along with people, so that managers will not face any oppositions in his work, and thus will not get any pressures, depression, stress, jealousy, anxiety, overwork which are route cause of all negative happenings.

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