Write a note on Individual Differences


Individual differences may be described as those differences that distinguish one person from another person and makes that person a unique individual in oneself. People differ from each other in their physical, mental, emotional and behavioral characteristics.

Individual differences are of two types:

1.      Inter-individual differences : Inter-individual differences are differences between people. They are the differences among people with regard to a particular characteristic. They are the differences that exist between one person and another person. People differ from each other with regard to their physical characteristics. intelligence, abilities, interest etc. These differences are examples of inter-individual differences.

2.      Intra-individual differences : Intra-individual differences are within the individual. They are differences among the various characteristics possessed by the same person. No individual is good or bad in everything. We are good on certain characteristics and average or had on certain characteristics. There are vast differences in the abilities possessed by the same individual. Different abilities exist in different amounts within the same person. For example. a person may be very good in studies but average in sports.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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