Write a note on Situational Approach to Leadership


Situational Approach to Leadership

Situational approach is also referred as ‘situational leadership style’. According to the situational approach, certain techniques including leadership style may work well in a certain situation and not in all situations.

The situational leadership approach recognizes that there exists an interaction between the group and the leader. Leadership is the product of a situation in a particular group. It is assumed that the traits and skills required by a leader will vary from group to group and from situation to situation.

The situational leadership approach supports the ‘follower theory’ that people tend to follow those whom they have faith and trust, as they feel such leaders would help them to accomplish their own personal desires. The leader, then, is the person who recognizes these desires and makes efforts to meet them. The situational approach to leadership is important to practicing managers, who must consider the situation when they design an environment for performance. A leader may behave differently depending upon situation.

Need for Situational Style

No leadership style is good for all times and in all situations. The leader need to adjust his style depending upon

—       The nature of decision or work.

—       The type of subordinates, and

—I      The work environment


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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