Write a note on X-Y-Z Analysis


X-Y-Z Analysis: Criterion employed: Amount invested in the inventory of each of the items

XYZ analysis is based upon the value of the stocks, which are held. In other words, the investment made in the inventory of each of the items is detailed, Those items, whose inventory investments values are high, are called as X items. Y items consist of those items whose investment inventory values are moderate. While Z items are those items whose investment inventory values are low. Normally XYZ analysis is used along with either the ABC analysis or with HML analysis. When combined with ABC analysts it is as detailed below:


Class of


X Efforts to be made to reduce stock to Z category Efforts to be made to convert            stock  to Y category Steps to be taken to dispose            off surplus stocks.
Y Efforts to be made to convert stock to Z category * Control on stocks may

be further tightened.

Z * Stock   levels   may be reviewed, say twice a year. *


Note: *Represents those items which are within control. Therefore no further action about them is found necessary.

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