Write a short note on “Harassment”


Harassment is “tormenting by subjecting to constant interference or intimidation”. It creates a negative work environment where work is extracted from the employees by intimidating them & using coercive measures to get job done. Harassment in business can be of following forms:


a)      Racial Harassment: Racial or colour Harassment includes offensive written or physical conduct at the characteristics of a person’s race, entire or national origin name or colour. It also includes derogatory name calling racist jokes & so on.

b)      Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment means situations in which an employee is coerced into giving into another employee’s sexual demands by the threat of losing some significant job benefit, such as promotion, raise or even the job. It is an unjust misuse of the unequal power that an employer can exercise over the employee. Sexual Harassment is prohibited & an employer is held responsible for all sexual harassment engaged in by employees “regardless of whether the employer knew or should have known. The harassment occurring & regardless of whether if was forbidden by the employer”

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