Write a short note on Team


Write a short note on Team.

Ans.    Greenberg and Baron define a team as “a group whose members have complementary skills and are committed to a common purpose or set of performance goals for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

The important characteristics of a team are:

1.      Small number: A team consists of few people as the interaction and influence processes needed for the team to function can occur only when the number is small.

2.      Mix of skills: A team includes people with a mix of skills appropriate to the tasks to be done.

3.      Common purpose or goal: A team comes together to take action to pursue a goal. The purpose becomes the focus of the team which makes-all decision in pursuit of the goal.

4.      Mutually accountable: Mutual accountability is a kind of promise that members make to each other to do everything possible to achieve their goal and it requires commitment and trust of all members.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS