Write short notes on Identification of training needs, Job Rotation, Principle of Natural Justice, Workers participation in Management


Q. Write short notes on any three:

  1. Identification of training needs
  2. Job Rotation
  3. Principle of Natural justice
  4. Workers participation in Management



Ans.a. Identification of training needs: Training needs are identified on the basis of organizational anaylsis, job analysis and manpower analysis. Training needs are those aspects necessary to perform the job in an organization in which employee is lacking attitude/aptitude, knowledge and skills. Basically there are two type of analysis done to identify the training. One is the Organizational Analysis and the other Individual Analysis.


Training needs = Job and organizational requirement-Employees specifications


Identification of Training Needs

Sr. Group or Organizational Analysis Individual Analysis
1. To identify Organizational goals and objectives Performance appraisal
2. Personnel/skill inventories Work sampling
3. Organizational Climate indices Interviews
4. Efficiency indices Questionnaires
5. Exit interviews Attitude survey
6. MBO or work planning systems Training progress
7. Quality circles Rating scales
8. Customer survey/satisfaction data Observation of behavior
9. Consideration of current and projected changes  



b. Job Rotation: This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another.

The trainee received job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of the

Different job assignments. Though this method of training is common in training managers for general

Management positions, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in workshop jobs. This method

Gives an opportunity to express his own ideas.


c. Principle of Natural Justice: It is a fair practice of decision making and running the organization.

–     All decisions are transparent

–     All decisions are adequately documented

–     A review process exits for affected employees, with agencies utilizing existing or revised

Grievance processes to enable employees to raise issues arising from the change process.

–     Decision making takes into account both the individual and employers needs

–     Relevant and current policy and procedures are well documented and accessible by employees.


d.Workers Participation in Management: The concept of WPM is considered as a mechanism where

Workers have a say in the decision making process of an enterprise. The concept crystallizes the

Concept of industrial democracy and indicates an attempt on the part of an employer to build his

Employees into a team which works towards the realization of a common objective. It is a mental and

Emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to goals

and share responsibilities in them.


The main objective of WPM in management include


–       To promote increased productivity for the advantage of the organization, workers and society at large.

–       To provide a better understanding to employees about their role and place in the process of attainment of organizational goals.

–       To satisfy the workers social and esteem needs

–       To strengthen labour management co-operation and thus maintaining industrial peace and harmony.

–       To develop social education for effective solidarity among the working community and for tapping latent human resources.

–       An ideological point of view to develop self management in industry

–       To build the most dynamic human resource

–       To build the nation through entrepreneurship and economic development.


Forms of WPM include works committees, Joint Management councils, Joint Councils and Shop Councils.


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