Write short notes on Ozone depletion

  • Ozone Layer: A layer of Ozone in the lower stratosphere protects all life on earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. However, this Ozone Layer is destroyed by CFC gases, which are used in aerosol cans, Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Industrial Solvents, etc.
  • Depletion: When released into the air, CFC gases rise. In 7 to 10 years, they reach the stratosphere, and destroy ozone molecules and remain for 75 to 130 years, continuing all the while to break down additional ozone molecules.
  • Effect: Shrinking of the Ozone Layer and consequent increase of UV rays will lead to – (a) new cases of shin cancer, and (b) destruction of 75% of the world’s major crops that are sensitive to UV light.

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  1. Ozone layer does not allow the harmfull ultraviolet radition commingfrom the sun to reach the surface of of earth and protect the life of earth is called ozone deplation

    reason: due to human activities, two compounds hsve been found to be most responsible for deplating he ozone layer and creating a hole in it. 1st is nitric oxide.
    2nd is chloroflurocarbons

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