Write short notes on Probationary period, Sons of soil theory in recruitment, Appraisal by peers, Career Development, Maslows theory of needs


Q. Write short notes on any three of the following.

 a)        Probationary period              b)         Sons of soil theory in recruitment

 c)        Appraisal by Peers                 d)         Career Development             e) Maslows theory of needs


a)    Probationary Period: Probation period is a time when an employee is employed in the organization with the intention of becoming permanent but subject to his performance during the probation period. During this period he is not entitled to the benefits that a permanent employee enjoys. The probation period is a period where the employee and employee get a chance to review the suitability to the organization. The period is usually 6 months to 1 year. During this period the employee’s performance is reviewed and his superior updates him if he is not in line with the company’s expectation. If he needs to improve in any area than he is informed to do so before the probationary period is over. This would thus help him in getting a permanent placement in the organization. Every permanent employee is a liability to the organization. There are many facilities, statutory dues etc., that theCo., needs to comply towards a permanent employee. So every employer prefers to review an employee during the probation period before he brings him on permanent roll. If the performance of the employee is not satisfactory the employer may not employ him in his organization. In case of a permanent employee it is not easy for the employer to throw him out of theCo., if he is not satisfied with his performance.




b)    Sons of the soil theory in Recruitment: The sons of the soil theory basically mean the locals should be given a chance to work for a Co; that is set up in their area of residence or the state that they belong too. The Co’s today are going to remote places for cheaper land and setting up their businesses in remote arrears. In such cases the locals seek for employment. The advantage is that cheap labour is available to theCo., compared to getting its own people and paying them higher salaries and giving them additional facilities to work at a place away from their regular set-up (residence). However in son of the soil there is a great disadvantage. The locals may not be as educated and skillful as the job requirement. In such case theCo., may not get the desired output even if they give them training etc. But in certain places it is not easy to set up a Co., without the local support and hence theCo., is forced to cater to the sons of the soil theory in recruitment.


c)     Appraisal by Peers: It is performance appraisal used in a 360 degree performance appraisal. The appraisal is done by the Peer group of the employee to be appraised.  Peer appraisal may be reliable if the work group is stable over a reasonably long period of time and performs tasks that require interaction. However, little research has been conducted to determine how peers establish standards for evaluating others or the overall effect of peer appraisal on the group’s attitude.


d)    Career Development: Career development is those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a personal career plan. Career development has four steps. They are 1. Needs-defining the present system 2. Vision-determining new directions and possibilities 3. Action plan-deciding on practical first steps and results – maintaining the change.

Needs: This step involves in the conducting of needs assessment as a training programme.

Vision: The needs of the career system must be linked with the interventions. An ideal development system known as the vision links the needs with the interventions.

Action Plan: An action plan should be formulated in order to achieve the vision. The support of the top management should be obtained in this process.

Results: Career development programme should be integrated with the organization’s on-going employee training and management development programmes. The programme should be evaluated from time to time in order to revise the programme.


e)     Maslows Theory of Needs. According to Maslow, human needs form a hierarchy, staring at the bottom with the physiological needs and ascending to the highest need of self actualization. He says when one set of needs is satisfied; they no longer work as motivators as a man seeks to satisfy the next higher level of needs.


Need for Self-Actualization


Physiological Needs


Esteem Needs


Social Needs -Affiliation or

Acceptance Needs


Security of Safety Needs


Physiological Needs


MASLOW”S HIERACHYOF NEEDS                                                                                               ==========================================



The Need Hierarchy:


Physiological Needs: These are the basic necessities of human life, food, water, warmth, shelter, sleep and sexual satisfaction. Maslow says that until these needs are satisfied to the required level, man does not aim for the satisfaction of next level of needs. As far as work environment is concerned, these needs include basic needs like pay, allowance, incentives and benefits.


Security/Safety Needs: These refer to the need to be free of physical danger or the feeling of loss of food, job or shelter. When the physiological needs are satisfied, man starts thinking of the way by which he can satisfy his safety needs. Security needs spring up the moment he makes an effort in the direction of providing himself the source of continuity of physiological needs. In a work environment these needs include conformity, security plans, membership in unions, severance pay etc.


Social Needs: (Affiliation or Acceptance Needs) When the physiological and security needs are satisfied, these social needs begin occupying the mind of a man. This is exactly why he looks for the association of other human beings and strives hard to be accepted by this group. Social needs at the work place include: Human relations, formal and informal work groups.


Esteem Needs: These needs are power, status and self confidence. Every man has a feeling of importance and he wants others to regard him highly. These needs makes people aim high and make them achieve something great. These needs for employees include status symbols, awards, promotions, titles etc.


Self Actualization Needs: This is the highest need in the hierarchy. This refers to the desire to become what one is capable of becoming. Man tries to maximize his potential and accomplish something, when this need is activated in him.


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